Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Answers for Lesson 3

Here is the answers for some new vocab which you are supposed to translate in Lesson 3. I believe you have found your answers.

1.            tóu               head / kepala

2.                           eyes / mata       (Most characters / phrases that come with this Chinese character has something to do with eyes. See below:
(+)眼睛      yǎn jīng      eyes / mata (when we use it in a sentence, this is my eyes)
Look at the left side of each character, it has the character of

3.             kǒu              mouth / mulut   (Most characters/phrase that comes with this Chinese character has something to do with mouth)

4. 嘴巴        zuǐ bā        mouth / mulut     (when we use it in a sentence, e.g. this is my mouth)

5. 耳朵        ěr duo         ear / telinga

6. /     zú / jiǎo     feet / kaki   

7.                            big/ besar

8.            xiǎo             small / kecil

9.            duō              many / banyak

10.          shǎo             little / sedikit

Translating to Mandarin

1. Sun               / 太阳           rì / tài yang     

2. Moon                     yuè

3. Mountain                          shān

4. Field                     

5. Rock           石头         shí tou

6. Water                     shuǐ

7. Fire                        huǒ

8. Soil                      

9. Wood                    

10. I / Me                    

11. You                       

12. We /Us         我们       men

13. He/She/It (same pronunciation different characters)            / /    

14. They / Them            他们      men

The above (except subject pronoun) are the basic words that you might need to know to ease your learning of Chinese characters. As I mentioned before, although Chinese characters might look complicated, most of the time it is a combination of a few characters. By introducing the basic/simple character, I hope will allow you to look at Chinese character from different angle.

Although, it will allow you to "guess" the meaning of the word. For example: huǒ means fire. So most of the characters that come with that will have something to do with fire/light/hot temperature. E.g. 烧 (shāo) burn, 灯 (dēng) lamp / light, etc.

As of the introduction to subject pronouns will allow us to create sentence (simple ones) in near future :)

Revisit this over and over again, until you have them all on your finger tips :)

Happy Learning,
Linda Tan

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this awesome post. The holiday has its roots in ancient Chinese folklore, and there are many Mid Autumn Festival Legends associated with the festival.
