Sunday, January 15, 2017

2017 - Getting the engine started. Review, Review and Review!

It has been a while since my last post in November. Half a month has passed in 2017. Let’s get the engine starting, by doing a few translations that covers whatever we have learnt in 2016.
  1. 今年是2017年。Jīnnián shì 2017 nián
  2. 我今年年底要去日本。Wǒ jīnnián  niándǐ yào qù Rìběn
  3. 他们都没去过日本。Tāmen dōu méiqùguò Rìběn
  4. 这几天过的怎样啊?Zhè jǐtiān guòde zěnyàng a?
  5. 这个周末你打算做什么?Zhè zhōumò nǐ dǎsuàn zuò shénme?
  6. 我在北机场等我的朋友。Wǒ zàijīchǎng děng wǒdepéngyǒu
  7. 你告不告诉他我的秘密?Nǐ gàobùgàosù tā wǒdemìmi?
  8. 这次新年你要去哪儿玩儿Zhèci xīnnián nǐ yàoqù nǎr wǎnr?
Please translate the following to Chinese.
  1. I will see you tomorrow morning at the airport
  2.  Whose friends are you picking up?
  3. Chen Family is travelling to Europe next month.
  4. Japan often snows on January.
  5. How is the weather today?
  6. She told me that her mom is coming to pick her up.
  7. Last weekend, she brought the kids to the zoo.
  8. Are you nervous?
To make your life easier, here are some of the vocabularies needed. Remember NOT to translate words by words. Review the simple sentence structure post, as well as the last few posts on question words (what and why, who, etc)
年底                niándǐ                          End of the year
周末                zhōumò                        Weekend
打算                dǎsuàn                         Plan
                    děng                            Wait
                    Jiē                                Pick up
告诉                Gàosù                          Tell
朋友                Péngyǒu                      Friends
飞机场            Fēijīchǎng                   Airport
秘密                Mìmì                            Secret
这次                Zhècì                           This time
下雪                Xiàzuě                         Snowing
紧张                jǐnzhāng                       Nervous
                    dài                               Bring (someone)
澳洲                Àozhōu                        Europe
天气                tiānqì                           weather
怎样                zěnyàng                       how

We will discuss the translation in DETAILS next post! 

Happy New Year 新年快乐, 
Linda Tan

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