Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Answers for Exercise Compilation

Here is the answer for previous post of exercises that covers all the topics that we have covered:

1. August 17 is Indonesia's National Day!
Bāyuè shíqīhào shì yìnní de guóqìngjié

2. The girl's Mom wants to take her to the hospital.
Nǚ háizi de māma yào dài tā qù yīyuàn

3. Mrs. Smith is not my sister's English teacher
Smith 先生 不是我姐姐的英文老师
Smith xiānsheng bùshì wǒ jiějie de yīngwén lǎoshī

4. The red table is not belong to mom
Nà hóng zhuōzi bùshì māma de

5. My maternal grandma wants to visit Paris next month!
Xiàgèyuè wǒ de pópo yào yóulán Bālí

6. I call My father's elder brother as "Uncle"
Wǒ jiào wǒ bàba de gēge “shūshu”

Here are the step by step explanation for the above answer to refresh your mind on each topic:

1. August 17 is Indonesia's National Day!
八月十七号 = Bāyuè shíqīhào

You have to mention the month then followed by the date.

印尼国庆节 =  yìnní de guóqìngjié
de is to indicate possession. In this case, the 'owner' of the national day is Indonesia. So, following the pattern "Owner" + de + "things owned" 

是 = shì

Because Indonesia's Independence day is a NOUN, thus, we need shì before it.

The complete sentence is:

Bāyuè shíqīhào  shì  yìnní de guóqìngjié

2. The girl's Mom wants to take her to the hospital.

女孩子的妈妈 = Nǚ háizi de māma
Again, to show possession we follow this pattern: "Owner" + de + "things/person owned"

want = 要

take her to the hospital = 带她去医院 = yào dài tā qù yīyuàn
In Chinese, we do not have to translate the word "to" when it comes with the word "come" and "go".
For example: Go to Paris, we just translate the word "go" and "Paris"
Come to School, we just translate the word "Come" and "School"

The complete Sentence is:
Nǚ háizi de māma yào dài tā qù yīyuàn

3. Mrs. Smith is not my sister's English teacher
Smith 先生 不是我姐姐的英文老师
Smith xiānsheng bùshì wǒ jiějie de yīngwén lǎoshī

Smith 先生 = Smith xiānsheng
When we greet someone, we have to mention their name and follow by the way we address the person, such as Mr. Ms. or Mrs.

我姐姐的英文老师 = wǒ jiějie de yīngwén lǎoshī
There are 2 possession on the above phrase.
1. "I" have "sister"
2. "My Sister" has English Teacher

Let's translate English Teacher. Adjective: "English" = 英文, Noun: "Teacher" =  老师, so we say: 英文老师 yīngwén lǎoshī
Then, translate My Sister: wǒ jiějie or wǒ de jiějie
Then, the second possession: wǒ jiějie de yīngwén lǎoshī

不是 = bùshì
We have to use shì in negative form (bùshì) because the phrase "my sister's English Teacher" is a NOUN! So, before that phrase, we need shì or bùshì

The Complete Sentence is:
Smith xiānsheng bùshì wǒ jiějie de yīngwén lǎoshī

4. The red table is not belong to mom
Nà hóng zhuōzi bùshì māma de

This is one is almost similar to the number 3. Try to figure it out :)

5. My maternal grandma wants to visit Paris next month!
Xiàgèyuè wǒ de pópo yào yóulán Bālí

下个月 = Xiàgèyuè = Next Month
In Chinese, Adverb of Time is always used in front.

wǒ de pópo yào yóulán Bālí
This is quite straight forward. "My Grandma" = "wǒ de pópo", then followed by "want to visit Paris" = "yào yóulán Bālí"

6. I call My father's elder brother as "Uncle"
Wǒ jiào wǒ bàba de gēge “shūshu”

This sentence is quite straight forward too. Try to figure it out yourself.

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