Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Showing Direction: The Vocabulary Needed

Before we go to a new topic about showing people direction, here is the answers for the exercise on Telling Time

1. My uncle wakes up at 7 o’clock in the morning
我的叔叔 早上 七点 起床
Wǒ de shūshu zǎoshàng qīdiǎn qǐchuáng

-In order to tell if it is PM or AM we use the description (such as: morning, noon, evening, etc) in front of the time.
-The Activities comes after the adverb of time.

2. It is 3:30 now
现在 是 三点半
Xiànzài shì sāndiǎnbàn

-Adverb of time (in this case, it is "NOW") is used in front
3. I did my homework at 8:15 last night
Zuówǎn wǒ bādiǎn yīkè zuògōngkè

- You can put the word "last night" before or after the subject, in this case: "I"

4. She will go out at 12 noon.
Tā zhōngwǔ shíèrdiǎn yào chūqù

- we can use the word "yào" to show the planned activities, future tense in English.

Try to digest the above, before learning the vocabularies you need to help showing people direction.
The explanation on how to use it will follow later this week.

Image source: http://widdelonline.blogspot.co.id/

1. Go Straight            直走                            Zhízǒu
2. Turn left                左拐                            zuǒguǎi
3. Turn right              右拐                            yòuguǎi
4. Here                       这里 / 这儿                zhèlǐ / zhèr
5. There                     那里 / 那儿                 nàlǐ / nàr
6. From... To             从。。到                    Cóng.. dào
7. and then...             然后                            ránhòu
8. Will see it             就到了                        jiù dào le
9. Will reach "the place"   就看到了           jiù kàn dào le    
10. Behind                 后面                          hòumiàn
11. Beside                 旁边                           pángbiān
12. In front of           前面                            qiánmiàn
13. Right side           左边                            zuǒbiān
14. Left side             右边                            yòubiān
15. Go down            下去                            xiàqù
16. Come down        下来                            xiàlái
17. Go up                  上去                           shàngqù
18. Come up             上来                           shànglái
19. Walk pass            走过                          zǒuguò
20. Cross the street    过马路                      guòmǎlù
21. Corner                  转角                          zhuǎnjiǎo

Try to reread the above vocabularies over and over agan, hopefully you have got them memorize before end of this week.

Happy Memorizing,
Linda Tan

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