Friday, November 4, 2016

Revision on Question Words

Here is the revision that covers the last 3 posts on various question words.

Remember not to translate word by word, but look for the purpose of the words in the sentence. Also, try to look simplify words but looking at similarity in meaning. For example, instead of looking up for the words "would like" in Pleco, try "want" when possible. Be wise though, see if the meaning remain the same by interchanging those words.

Translate from English to Mandarin:
1. Whose car are you driving?
2. Whom will go with you to Paris?
3. What is she looking at?
4. Why can't she stay behind?
5. What do you want to do?
6. When does the TV show start?
7. Where is my pen?
8. Who see my mathematic textbooks?
9. Which month will the spring start?
10. Why do you laugh so loudly?

Translate from Mandarin to English/Bahasa Indonesia:
1. 他为什么不打电话我?
Tā wèishěnme dǎdiànhuà gěi wǒ?
2. 你什么 时候毕业?
Nǐ shénme shíhòu bìyè?
3. 你的家人住哪里?
Nǐ de jiārén hù nǎlǐ?
4. 你在哪儿工作?
Nǐ zài nǎr gōngzuò?
Nǐde péngyǒu jǐhào qù xiānggǎng?
Zuótiān nǐ jǐdiǎn qǐchuáng?
7. 那个女子是谁?
Nàgènǚzi shìshuí?
8. 谁帮你报名?
Shuí bāng ni bàomíng?
Shuí de chē huài le?
Nàgè háizi zài kàn shénme kǎtōngpiàn?

Tips: You have to be familiar with the question words first, means you should be able to recall what is "WHEN" in Chinese, What is "Where" in Chinese and so on.

Again, slowly but sure! Refer to the pattern of sentence when necessary.

Remember that you don't become fluent in a new language overnight. I have known this language for almost 20+ years and still learning. :) Hope it motivates you.

Have fun!
Linda Tan

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