Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Using Chinese / Mandarin in Restaurant - Part 1

I would like to make a few upcoming post topical. As for the first topic that I am going to introduce is that how to serve Chinese guests in the restaurant., especially for those restaurants which are based in Bali. For the past few years, Bali has seen huge increment of the Chinese tourists. Thus, equipping the employee/staff to serve the Chinese guests better, company is conducting Mandarin Language Training for its employee.

This post (and a few others followed) are dedicated to those waiter/waitresses who try their very best to serve the Chinese guest. They are the face of the Brand. I hope with this post (again, and a few other followed), they can understand a little bit of the Chinese culture, they can serve a little bit better the Chinese guests and at the end, they can represent their brand much better.

The very first post is the introduction of some vocabularies that are commonly used around the restaurant.

Just a reminder, to help grow your vocabularies, please use the help of PLECO. This app is very very useful! In the very beginning of this blog, I have explained the features and the how-to-use guidelines in Pleco. Please refer to those posts, start from here.

Here are some of the common vocabularies that you might find useful:
1.      Small Plate      : diézi                           碟子
2.      Big Plate         : pánzi                          盘子
3.      Bowl               : wǎn                          
4.      Fork                 : chāzi                          叉子
5.      Spoon              : shaózi                        勺子
6.      Chopstick        : kuàizi                         筷子
7.      Napkin             : zhǐjīn                          纸巾
8.      Sauce               : jiàng                         
9.      Chili Sauce      : làjiāojiàng                 辣椒酱
10.  Tomato Sauce : fānqiéjiàng                番茄将
11.  Soy Sauce       : jiàngyóu                    酱油
12.  Black soy sauce: shuāngchōu             双抽
13.  Table               : zhuōzi                        桌子
14.  Chair               : yǐzi                             椅子
15.  Cup/Glass        : bēizi                           杯子
16.  Waiter             : fúwuyuán                   服务员
17.  Bill                  : mǎidān                      买单
18.  Settle the bill   : jiézhàng                   结账
19.  Menu card       : càidān                       菜单
20.  Dish/Food       : cài / shíwù                 /食物
21.  Vegetable        : shūcài                        蔬菜
22.  Beverages        : yǐnliào                       饮料
23.  Wine                : pútǎojiǔ                     葡萄酒
24.  Liquor             : jiǔ                             
25.  Beer                 : píjiǔ                           啤酒
26.  Order               : diǎn                           点             
27.  Welcome                                 : huānyíng                   欢迎
28.  Please come in                         : qǐngjìn                       请进
29.  Please have a seat                    : qǐngzuò                      请坐
30.  Enjoy your food                      : qǐngmànyòng              请慢用
31.  Come again next time             : xiàcì zàilái                 下次再来
32.  Goodbye                                 : mànzǒu                      慢走
(Polite way to say goodbye to guests)
33.  Plain water                  : shǔi / bǎikāishuǐ                    /白开水
34.  Mineral water              : kuàngquánshuǐ                      矿泉水
35.  Soda                            : qìshuì                                     汽水
36.  Fruit juice                    : shuǐguǒzhī                             水果汁
37.  Cold                            : lěng / bīng                             /
38.  Ice cube                       : bīngkuài                                冰块
39.  Hot                              : rè / shāo                                /
40.  Warm                          : wēn                                       
41.  Sugar                           : táng                                      
42.  Salt                              : yán                                       
43.  Milk                             : niúnǎi                                    牛奶   
44.  Cheese                         : nǎilào                                    奶酪
45.  Sweet                          : tián                                       
46.  Sour                             : suān                                      
47.  Salty                            : xián                                      
48.  Spicy                           :                                           
49.  Bitter                           :                                          
50.  Chef                            : chúshī                                   厨师
51.  Recommend                : tuījiàn                                   推荐
52.  Bestseller                     : rèmài                                     热卖
53.  No smoking seat         : jìnxīyān zuòwèi                      禁烟座位
54.  Smoking seat               : kěxīyān zuòwèi                      可吸烟座位
55.  Self-service/ Buffet     : zìzhùcān                                自助餐

Before going into some common scenarios in the restaurant, please get yourselves familiar with the above vocabularies first.

Check out the next post more

Linda Tan 

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