Friday, September 23, 2016

Answers to Lesson on Simple Sentence Structure

Here are the 5 sentences that you are asked to translate based on the sentence structure that were introduced last Tuesday.

1. My car is broken

(+) 我的车坏             wǒdechē huài                          my car is broken

(-) 我的车不坏           wǒdechē bùhuài                      my car isn’t broken

(?) 你的车坏吗?         nǐdechē huài ma?                    is your car broken?

2. My teacher is tall

(+) 我的老师高                      wǒ de lǎoshī gāo                     my teacher is tall

(-) 我的老师不高                   wǒ de lǎoshī bùgāo                 my teacher isn’t tall

(?) 你的老师高吗?               nǐ de lǎoshī gāo ma?               is your teacher tall?

3. She eats hamburger

(+) 他吃汉堡包                tā chī hànbaǒbāo                    She eats hamburger

(-) 他不吃汉堡包         tā bùchi hànbaǒbāo               she doesn’t eat hamburger

(?) 他吃汉堡包吗?              tā chī hànbaǒbāo ma?            does she eat hamburger?

4. That is my school.

(+) 那是我的学校         nà shì wǒdexuéxiào                 That is my school

(-) 那不是我的学校         nà bùshì wǒdexuéxiào             That is not my school

(?) 那是你的学校吗?     nà shì nǐdexuéxiào ma?           is that your school?

5. My dad calls me.

(+) 我的爸爸叫我       wǒdebàba mà wǒ                    my dad scolds me

(-)  我的爸爸不骂我        wǒdebàba bùmà wǒ                my dad doesn’t scold me

(?) 你的爸爸骂你吗?     nǐdebàba mà nǐ ma?               does your dad scold you?

Please listen to the following:

If you get the structures correct, that's good enough. There might be some difference in the option of vocab use for certain words. Leave a comment to check if they are okay to be used in the sentences above.

Thank you.

Linda Tan

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