Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Answer for Exercise on Adverb of Place and Time

Here is the answer for the exercise on Adverb of Place and Time:

1.He sleeps on the floor
Tā zài dìbǎn shuìjiào

2. My mother is coming tomorrow
Míngtiān wǒ de māma yào huíjiā le  

3. My elder sister speaks Mandarin at home.
Wǒ de jiějie zài jiā shuō hànyǔ

4. My family and her family go to Paris next week.
Xiàgè xīngqī, wǒ de jiārén hé tā de jiārén yào qù Bālí

5. I didn’t go to my grandma’s house yesterday.
Wǒ zuótiān bù qù wǒ nǎinai de jiā

Note: if you notice, for no. 2 and no. 4 sentences which are FUTURE Tense, we use the word 要 yào. This word doesn’t only mean “want” but also can describe something that someone is going to do or will do.

Hope you get all of them right. Again, difference in the use of vocabulary MIGHT be acceptable. However, to confirm if you have use certain words correctly, do not hesitate to leave a comment. =)

Keep an eye for next post this week,
Linda Tan

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