Saturday, October 22, 2016

Answer: Question Words

Here are the translation for some exercises on the previous post:

1. Whom did you talk to yesterday? (hint: asking object)
Zuótiān nǐ gēn shuí shuōhuà?

2. Who picks you up? (hint: asking subject)
Shuí jiē nǐ?

3. Whose car is that? (hint: asking about possession)
Nàliàngchē shì shuíde?

4. Who helped you do your homework? (hint: asking subject)
Shuí bāng nǐ zuò zuòyè?

5. Whose is that child belong to? (hint: asking about possession)

Nàshì shuí de háizi?

6. Whom do you usually play with? (hint: asking object)
Nǐ píngshí gēn shuí wān?

Here is the recorded pronunciation for the above (Reminder: It can only be played on your desktop not handheld device)

Feel free to comment on things that need clarification.

Thank you,
Linda Tan


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