Monday, June 26, 2017

Continents, Countries, and Cities

Names of countries normally are not too different from the "English" names however there are indeed some that are quite different from the English versions. Here are a list of continents and countries in Chinese.

1. Asia                           yàzhōu             亚洲
2. America                     měizhōu           美洲
3. Europe                       òuzhōu             欧洲
4. Africa                         fēizhōu             非洲
5. Australia                     àozhōu             澳洲
6. Arctic                          běijí                 北极
7. Antarctica                   nánjí                南极 

1. Indonesia              Yìndùníxiāyà or Yìnní              印度尼西亚 / 印尼
2. Malaysia                mǎláixīyà                                 马来西亚
3. Singapore              xīnjiāpō                                   新加坡
4. HongKong             xiānggǎng                               香港 
5. India                      yìndù                                       印度
6. Philippines            fēibīn                                    菲律宾
7. Korea                    hánguó                                    韩国
8.  Thailand                tàiguó                                      泰国
9.  Vietnam                yuènán                                     越南
10.  Japan                     rìběn                                     日本
11.  England                 yīngguó                                 英国
12.  America                 měiguó                                  美国
13.  Australia                àodàlìyǎ                                 澳大利亚
14.  Italy                       yìdàlì                                       意大利
15.  France                   fǎguó                                       法国
16.  German                 déguó                                      德国
17.  Holland                 hélán                                       荷兰
18.  Spain                     xībānyǎ                                    西班牙
19.  Turkey                   túěrqí                                       土耳其
20.  Saudi Arabia         ālābó                                        阿拉伯
21.  Russia                    éluósī                                       俄罗斯
And many more…

1. Jakarta                        yǎjiādá                       雅加达
2. Island of Bali              bālídǎo                        巴厘岛
3. London                       lúndūn                         伦敦
4. Paris                            bālí                              巴黎
5. California                    jiāzhōu                         加州
6Kuala Lumpur             jílóngpō                       吉隆坡7
7. Bangkok                      màngǔ                         曼谷
8. Saigon                         xīgòng                         西贡 
9. Yangon                       yǎngguāng                  仰光
10. Valencia                      bālúnxīyà                     巴伦西亚
And many more

Travelling to another countries, here are a few vocabularies that you might need:
1. Airport                                     jīchǎng                       机场
2. Take off                                  qǐfēi                             起飞
3. Landing                                   jiàngluò                       降落
4. Bus Station                             Chēzhàn                      车站
5. Hotel                                       Jǐudiàn                         酒店
6. Motel/Smaller Hotel                bīnguǎn                       宾馆
7. Restaurant                               fànguǎn / cāntīng       
8. Fast-food                                kuàicān                        快餐
9. Police Station                          jǐngchájú                     机场
10. Make a phone call                   diànhuà                  打电话
11. Public Toilet                            gōnggòng cèsuǒ          公共厕所       
12. Go to/use toilet                       shàngcèsuǒ                  上厕所  

Try translating the following:
1. Hi, I am Ms. Smith. I am from America.
2. I am looking for this hotel.
3. Where is the popular Chinese restaurant?
4. I am sorry, your flight has taken off. You are late.
5. This flight has just landed.
6. I am looking for a fast food restaurant. Can you help me?
7. Is that Public Toilet?
8. I lost my wallet. Where is the Police Station?

Have a good week ahead....

Linda Tan

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