Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Bihua - Part 3 - Search Words based on Number of Strokes

This is the last feature for bihua website that you should know, search words based on number of strokes, 笔画数查字 bi hua shu cha zi.

Click on the circled part and you will see the following page
It will show you the categorization of words based on the numbers of strokes. As you can see, there are 10 words that has 1 stroke, 52 words that have 2 strokes, 99 words that have 3 strokes and so on. 
Let's look at the words with 6 strokes.

Here is the list of all Chinese characters that consist of 6 strokes.

From here, you should know what to do right? Are you looking for meaning? or are you looking for strokes order? Or are you looking for words formation?

You should know where to click to get the information that you need. if you don't please refresh your memory by referring to the first post on Bihua website.

That's pretty much about Bihua site. If you notice, the page is actually linked one to another.

The main thing to know is that you can search words based on pinyin (拼音查字 pinyin chazi), radicals 部首查字 (bu shou cha zi) or the numbers of strokes (笔画数查字 bi hua shu cha zi).

The second thing is you can look at 3 main aspects of each character that you found on bihua.com, they are:
1. Dictionary (CH - EN / CH - CH) 字典 zi dian
2. Chinese Strokes                           笔画 bi hua
3. Word formations                          组词 zu ci

Please do not rush things! Learning is a lifetime journey. Reread all the posts on how to use Pleco and Bihua website effectively and put it into practice.

Search for words that you might use often in your daily conversation, such as:
1. Hello
2. Good morning/afternoon/night
3. Good bye
4. Eat
5. Come
6. Pronouns (I, you, we, etc)

Hope you find the posts useful and practical. Would love to hear any constructive inputs :)

The real thing start next week.

Happy Exploring,
Linda Tan

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