Friday, August 19, 2016

Answer to Lesson 8: Expressing Wants / Desire

Here are the answers for Lesson 8 (Expressing wants / desire)

1. I want to see your teacher
Wǒ xiǎng jiàn nǐ (de) lǎo shī

2. My elder brother wants a bike
() 哥哥要一辆自行车
Wǒ (de) gē ge yào yī liàng zì xíng chē

(Measure word for bike is 辆 liàng)

3. Dad and mom want to go out tonight 
Jīn wǎn bàba hé māma yào chūqù

(Note: In Chinese, Adverb of time is used in the beginning of the sentence) 

4. My younger sister wants to eat spaghetti
() 妹妹想吃意大利面
Wǒ (de) mèi mei xiǎng chē yì dà lì miàn

(when we use xiǎng it seems to mean that my sister hasn't eaten spaghetti for sometimes, I feel like eating it now)

() 妹妹要吃意大利面
Wǒ (de) mèi mei yào chē yì dà lì miàn

(When we use yào the meaning seems to change from "feeling like" to she just "opt" for spaghetti, not because of any particular reason)

5. My dog wants that ball!
Wǒ de gǒu yào nà gè qiú

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Linda Tan

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