Sunday, August 14, 2016

Answers to Lesson 7

Here are the answers to the previous exercise in Lesson 7

1. House                 家                         j
2. Car                     车                         chē 
3. Pen                     笔                         bǐ 
4. Dog                    狗                         gǒu 
5. Cat                     猫                         māo    
6. Handphone        手机                     shǒu jī 
7. Laptop                笔记本电脑        bǐ jì běn diàn nǎo           
8. Children             孩子                    hǎi zi    
9. Daughter            女儿                    nǚ ér  
10. Son                   儿子                    ér zi

Now the sentences!

1. Ms Linda has an older sister
Linda xiǎo jiě yǒu yī gè jiě jie

NOTE"gè" is used to measure the number of people/things in general. So if I would like to say 3 older sister, I say: sān gè jiě jie (三个姐姐)

2. Her sister is Casandra
Tā de jiě jie shì Casandra

3. My dog is Blacky
Wǒ de gǒu shì Blacky

4. Her house is big
Tā de jiā dà

NOTE: verb to be (is/am/are) doesn't have to be translated as "shì" if it is followed by adjective.

5. Our father is Mr Chen
Wǒ men de bà ba shì Chen xiān sheng

6. Their mother is Mrs Li
Tā men de mā ma shì Li nǚ shì

7. They have 2 dogs
Tā men yǒu liǎng zhī gǒu

NOTE: "zhī" " is the unit of measure for most animals, such as cat, dog, lion, etc. There are some that use different unit of measure. For example: fish. They use: "tiáo"

8. That kid do not have a grandfather (maternal / paternal)
Nà gè hái zi méi yǒu gōng gong /  yé ye

: "Nà" means That. "hái zi" is kid. Literally when we translate "That Kid" you will probably say "Nà hái zi", however we need to add unit of measure for kid "ge" after the demonstrative pronoun, such as "this" and "that", in this case, unit of measure of kid is "gè", 个。

When we want to say: ”That dog“, we say "那只狗“ - Nà zhī gǒu

To say "This fish", we translate it s "这只鱼" - zhè zhī yú

Listen to the following:

Happy Learning,
Linda Tan

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