Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Answer: Before & After

Here is the answer to the previous post on describing sequence of event by using the word before & after 

1. Before I study in China, My Chinese is not too good.
在中国留学之前, 我的汉语不太好
Zaì Zhōngguó liūxué zhīqián, wǒ de Hànyǔ bù tài hǎo

-          Adverb of place, “in china”, has to come before the activity .
-          In this case, w do not use xiān because the subjects are 2 different things (First is “I”, Second is “My Chinese”)

2. After I move to London, I learn dancing.
我班去伦敦之后, 我就学跳舞。
Wǒ bān qù Lúndūn zhīhòu, wǒ jiù xué tiàowǔ.

-          London is not really an adverb of place, it is a destination, thus, it comes After the word “move”. Other example is I go to Beijing. Beijing is a “destination”, thus the sentence will be “wǒ qù Běijīng”. Unless we would like to say, I have a meeting in Beijing. Then, Beijing is the place where the activity (having a meeting) happens. Thus the sentence will say: “wǒ zài Běijīng kāihuì”

3. My mother picks up my brother first before picking me up.
Wǒ māma jiē wǒ zhīqián, tā xiān jiē wǒ dìdi

             - Pay attention to this, I use 2 words/phrase that refer to the same subject (my mom and she). By doing this, the sentence is clearer and more complete. But it is okay if we change it to: jiē wǒ zhīqián, wǒ māma xiān jiē wǒ dìdi
4. Before eating, she drinks a cup of water first.
Chīfàn zhīqián, tā xiān hē shuǐ.

5. After pick up the guests, I send them to the hotel.
Jiē kèrén zhīhòu, wǒ jiù sòng tāmen qù jiǔdiàn le.

6. I borrow her notes, after she finish writing.
Tā xiě wán zhī hòu, wǒ jiù jiè tā de bǐjì.

-          In Chinese, we can describe the phrase “finish doing something” by using the word “… wán” or “… hǎo” before the activity.
(write = xiě )                        finish writing                写完
(eat (rice) = chī( fàn) 吃饭)     finish eating (rice)        吃完饭
(read = kàn/dú /)             finish reading               看完,读完,读好
                                                                              (kànwán, dúwan, dúhǎo)

Try digesting the above before translating the following sentences to Mandarin:

My Name is Linda. I am a teacher. I have an elder sister. My sister is a housewife. She has 3 children, 2 beautiful girls and a cute boy. I love my nieces and nephew.
Today is my mom’s birthday. After finishing my breakfast, I called my mom. I wished her happy birthday. She told me that she is going to spa with her friends this afternoon.

Happy Translating!

Linda Tan

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