Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Before and After in Chinese

In describing 2 activities/events that happen one after another, we usually use the words "before" and "after".

In English, we can say:
BEFORE something happen, we do something else first OR
We do something else first BEFORE some other things happen.

finish with an activity, we will do something else OR
We will do something else AFTER  we completed one activity.

Remember not to get confuse with the placement of "before" and "after" in the sentence.

BEFORE zhīqián  之前

Before sleep, I “first” brush my teeth

Sleep               shùijiào            睡觉
Brush teeth      shuā yá            刷牙

睡觉之前 刷牙
Shuìjiào zhīqián, wǒ xiān shua yá

Before something happen (2nd activity), we normally will do Something first (1st Activity). When using the word “before”, it is often for us to use the word “xiān” that indicates that the subject has completed the activity that follows after the word. Xiān literally means “at first.

e.g.      she left first                 xiān zǒu           
            I eat first                     xiān chī            

Let’s see another example:
My brother puts on his shoes before he goes to school.

1st Activity: Puts on shoes                  chuān xiézi                  穿鞋子
2nd Activity: Go to school                   shàng xué                    上学

上学之前 我弟弟先穿鞋子
Shàng xué zhīqián, wǒ dìdi xiān chuān xiézi.

(Because, the subject that “perform” the 2 activities are the same person, we can also move the subject to the front, see the sentence below. However, the above is more commonly used. Avoid repeating it, because it will be redundant)

我弟弟上学之前 先穿鞋子
Wǒ dìdi shàng xué zhīqián, xiān chuān xiézi.

AFTER  zhīhòu   之后

After I brush my teeth, I go to sleep.
刷牙之后, 睡觉
Shuā yá zhīhòu, Wǒ jiù  shuìjiaò le

After putting his shoes on, my brother goes to school
Chuān xiézi zhīhòu, wo dìdi jiù shàng xué qù le.

Note: In this case, we add the word jiù… le to emphasize that the 2nd activities (i.e sleep and go to school) happen RIGHT AFTER the first activities (i.e. brush teeth and putting shoes on).

Try translating the following:
1. Before I study in China, My Chinese is not too good.
(Hint: be careful of the placement of adverb of place)

2. After I move to London, I learn dancing.
(move = bān dance = tiàowǔ 跳舞)

3. My mother picks up my brother first before picking me up.
(pick up = jiē )

4. Before eating, she drinks a cup of water first.

5. After pick up the guests, I send them to the hotel.

(guest = kèrén 客人, send (someone) = sòng )

6. I borrow her notes, after she finish writing.
(borrow = jiè , notes = bǐjì 笔记)

Happy Learning!  

I am signing off first
xiān gàotuì,
Linda Tan

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